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It’s November, So, “I Remember!”

Scott Bullerwell

In my younger days (I was 8 at the time), I was ‘drafted’ into the Cub Scouts. I say ‘drafted’ because my mom thought it was a good idea to keep my life busy – so she signed me up, without my knowledge. She seemed to intuitively know that “idleness was the devil’s workshop” and she had no interest, even as an unbeliever at the time, of seeing her son and the devil working arm in arm. So off I went to a Community Hall Boot Camp, where I was given a uniform, a cap, and learned to salute; well, kind of salute! After taking the pledge – I promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and the Queen, to keep the law of the Wolf Cub Pack, and do a good turn every day," I went off with a few other cubs to buy some candy at the depanneur across the street. When I turned 11, I eagerly signed up for Boy Scouts, became part of a “Troop” and tried to live out their motto: “Be Prepared”. No trip to the candy store this time though. Scouting was good for me, even though I did miss out on hanging around malls when school was out. Mom knew what she was doing.

This was not my first introduction to the ‘military’ though. Not at all. My father was in the ‘Forces’ much of his life, a part of the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, even serving in Korea towards the end of that war. I remember living in PMQ’s (Permanent Marriage Quarters) for a time and on Sundays going to the base club to swim in the pool, watch Disney movies, while the grown-ups drank beer and talked about ‘the military,’ I suspect.

I mention these two experiences, because in both situations, when Remembrance Day (Veterans Day in the US) rolled around November 11, Boy Scouts would don their uniforms and dad would go searching for his full-dress uniform – and off we went to our muster stations to march to a nearby Cenotaph. Drums rolling, bagpipes screaming like unhappy cats, the parade commander leading and hollering, there was a dignity to the purpose and meaning of our gathering. The mournful playing of the Last Post … and as the last note hung in the air, the two minutes of silence added a further solemnity to the morning event.


“A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank cheque made payable to 'The People of Canada ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'”

Author unknown


History buffs will know that in WW I our soldiers died fighting at Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, Passchendaele and Ypres — battles remembered for atrocious conditions and Canadian valor ... and in WW II, Canadians fought in Dieppe, Ortona, Normandy, Belgium, the Netherlands, the North Atlantic, and Hong Kong. Since then our troops have been in Korea and Cyprus, Haiti and Bosnia, Somalia and as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan. Nor should we forget Libya, the South China Sea ... and lots of other places in between.

I love my country and the freedoms gained and died for – but I confess these days that I am having a difficult time recognizing my “home and native land” as civil liberties shrink around me. We seem like the frog slowly boiling to death, passively watching the erosion of our charter rights and freedoms, especially those who hold biblical values. While examples are legion, I will confine my thoughts to a mere few.

(1) Federal Bill C-16, was an act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, passed June, 2017 enshrining transgender and gender diverse rights. The ‘Act” lists some 11 grounds for which discrimination is prohibited [1] In a nutshell, the words “gender identity” or “gender expression” have been added in three places.

This is all wonderful of course! I mean, people should be protected from discrimination right? So let me give the obligatory “But of course,” because if I fail to, it will be imaginatively concluded that I am opposed. So again, “Yes, yes, yes, transgender have the right to respect and dignity, like all Canadians.”

Now the tough part – in the form of a question. Is it natural to conclude that at some point a test case will appear, one that leverages the law to penalize citizens who chose not use specific pronouns when referring to gender specific people? Think this impossible? In a CBC interview with Brenda Cossman, law professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Cossman noted, “Would it cover a situation where an individual repeatedly, consistently refuses to use a person’s chosen pronoun? It might.”


The advantage of being a conspiracy theorist is that you

are open to alternative points of view. Should the theory

under scrutiny fail – then it can easily be dismissed, just

like evolutionary theories are. Regrettably, many

Canadians seem to prefer the comfort of the narrative.


In the same CBC interview, when asked “If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time,” Jared Brown, commercial litigator at Brown Litigation replied, “It could happen.” Again – think this impossible? Then I cite the 2014 policy released by that quasi-judicial Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) – made up of lawyers, activists and academics. Page 18 reads “Gender-based harassment can involve: (3) Behavior that “… reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms”; (4) Refusing to refer to a person by their self-identified name and proper personal pronoun.” [2]

BTW – on the international scene recently, the 53rd UN Human Rights Council’s June (2023) report specifically warned that Christian beliefs violate LGBT rights and that countries need to intervene in religious affairs. A Christian’s free speech will be labeled hate speech, turned into a crime and prosecuted accordingly. Just give it time.

(2) The new equity-based weeding of Ontario School Libraries of anything pre-2008. The directive to 259 schools from The Peel District School Board (PDSC) that led to the removal of books from shelves reads,

“The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake a comprehensive diversity audit of schools, which shall include libraries and classrooms. The Board shall evaluate books, media and all other resources currently in use for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences for the purpose of utilizing resources that are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant and reflective of students, and the Board’s broader school communities. The Board shall ensure that the audit is among the first priorities of the Equity Office …” [3]

No, this was not routine collection maintenance and weeding as the ever political PDSB, would have folks think. In the end, Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce wrote “I have written to the board to immediately end this practice. It is offensive, illogical and counterintuitive to remove books from years past that educate students on Canada’s history, antisemitism or celebrated literary classics.” Think this battle is over? Convince me!


Listen to some activists and you might conclude - the only reason anyone might ever want ‘free’ speech is in order to authorize ‘hate’ speech. Nonsense!


(3) Regulatory bodies exerting control over the tweets, speech and language of professionals. Consider …

An Ontario court recently concluded (August 23, 2023) that The College of Psychologists of Ontario can require Jordan Peterson (former University of Toronto Clinical Psychologist) to undergo social media coach training on professionalism. Though not in violation of any Canadian laws, the divisional court ruled that as a member of a regulated profession, Peterson “must abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression.” So, because of complaints from ‘non-patients,’ about his commentary on politicians and others Peterson is to take special re-training – and pay for it as well. What happens should the college determine that Peterson’s new-think remains ‘incorrect?’”

Even as I write here, there is another drama working its way through the courts. Nurse Amy Hamm is the subject of disciplinary proceedings at the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives, alleging Hamm has "made discriminatory and derogatory statements regarding transgender people" while identifying herself as a nurse.

Doctors were told that it they contradicted public health orders or guidance about COVID-19, they could face investigation and penalties from their regulatory body. In a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario letter to physicians (CPSO, June 23, 2022), doctors who provide “an opinion that does not align with \ information coming from public health or governmentcould face discipline. Now there are two very non-politicized bodies, eh?

Next is the Compelled-Speech’ court order by Justice Adam Germain (October 16, 2021) against Polish-Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski – the guy who fled communist Poland as a boy. My interest here is not Pawlowski, by the way, but the court order that required him to parrot government health officials whenever he spoke publicly about COVID-19 and vaccines … and stay in the province because Judge Germain took umbrage with his speaking tour among U.S. law makers. Here is the text of what this Canadian citizen was required to say:

"I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favor social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms." [4]

In recent days Pickering Ontario City Councilor, Lisa Robinson was suspended for 60 days without pay, for pushing back on gender cultism by putting forward three motions on the council floor. Yup – it had to do with flying non-government flags (Guess which one) … age limits on drag shows … and ensuring women have a safe changing room at their rec. hall. In the words of the Commissioner Lisa was “Promoting attitudes which are homophobic and transphobic.” Apparently city councilors are not permitted to represent their constituents. I am thinking of Star Trek here: “We are the Borg. You WILL be assimilated.”


One US Senator sent a letter to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom asking them to add Canada to its special watch list in response to the country’s crackdown on religious freedom.


Under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, freedom of expression is fundamental. Indeed, the Supreme Court of Canada has interpreted this right as including "the right to say nothing or the right not to say certain things." [5] Thankfully Justice Jo'Anne Strekaf of the Alberta Court of Appeals ruled against Judge Germain and his compelled-speech order, saying “qualified speech provisions and the travel restrictions arguably affect their [Pawlowski] mobility rights and rights to free expression guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Speech is only free when it is safe for all voices to join in – something this government appears not to understand.

(4) The use of the Federal Emergencies Act (EA), February 14, 2022 against Canadians, with its blunt, draconian sweeping powers, when the night before the Emergencies Act was invoked, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki publicly stated to the Feds that “all available tools” had not been exhausted. [6] As an outflow of the EA, Canada’s banks then leveraged to close (de-bank) the accounts of organizations and individuals so that the folks can no longer use them ... wrongly imagining that the account holder posed a risk – financially, legally or reputationally. All without a court order no less!

Next, to win the PR battle, our current government raised the specter that foreign states or “foreign actors” were supporting the trucker’s convoy, putting the CSIS director's account of extremists at odds with government's rationale for triggering the Emergencies Act. David Vigneault, Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), in a summary to the Public Order Emergency Commission October 19, 2022 said "CSIS has also not seen any foreign money coming from other states to support this. There is not a lot (of) energy and support from the USA to Canada." In testimony before a parliamentary committee on March 3, 2022 GiveSendGo chief Jacob Wells and GoFundMe president Juan Benitez presented numbers consistent with what CSIS would later say. The Government of Canada’s actions against its own citizens were nothing short of appalling; a black-eye to fundamental freedoms.

So ‘yes’, I am having a difficult time recognizing “my home and native land” these last few years ... and with November the harbinger of ‘Remembrance Day’ – I am left to try and make sense between the cost of war with its selfless spilt acres of blood that purchased our freedoms and the social erosion of our nation’s fabric that pits school teachers against parents ... trades a little child’s virtue for an ideologue’s feelings ... and through growing government mandates, strong-arms any citizen with the chutzpa to not dance to their politicized policies.


So to be inclusive, you need to exclude? With ‘Remembrance’ day before us, I sometimes wonder if Canadians have lost their way, to ‘stand on guard’

as our veterans sacrificially did.


Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a “a time for war, and a time for peace,” suggesting that the Scriptures have a fairly accurate understanding of human nature and the inevitable conflict our fallen condition generates. Particularly striking is that whether it is the Older Testament or New, there is a clear indication that being a soldier is highly respected and that fighting for something principled is permissible, even necessary.

  • God’s instructions on securing Israel’s ‘promised’ land certainly does not preclude fighting for it (Deuteronomy 20:1-4).

  • Abraham’s rescue of his nephew Lot who was kidnapped by Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and his allies (Genesis 14) demonstrates armed forces can be engaged in a noble task.

  • David, who stoned Goliath out of his mind and his life, said “Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle” (Psalm 144:1-2).

  • 2 Timothy 2:4 reminds us that “No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.”

  • The Apostle Paul used military service as a simile for Christian service: “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3).

  • And in Romans 13 Paul tells us that the role of government is to use their power to establish and enforce moral order, and “if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer” (vv. 2-3).

Risking your life for someone you have never met; placing your nation’s future liberties like freedom of speech and religion, above yourself. I think Jesus captured the essence of such a sacrifice when he said, “The greatest love you can show is to give your life for your friends” (John 15:13). To every veteran and current armed force member – “With deep appreciation, we thank you for your service.”

This November “Remembrance Day” season, while I watch culture wars and ideologues shake this nation’s foundations, divide loyalties, jeopardize free speech postings and sow poison throughout the land I love, I ask myself ...

“Is this why Canadian soldiers from the Winnipeg Rifles suffered withering fire and Toronto's Queen's Own Rifles received the worst mauling of any Canadian unit on D-Day as they stormed Juno Beach? Is this why RCAF Lancaster's of No. 6 Bomber Group flew sorties against German coastal defenses … and why 10,000 Royal Canadian Navy sailors went to sea on D-Day, silencing enemy shore batteries and using landing craft to transport men and machines? Did they live – and die far from home … far from their loved ones – so that Madam Justice could peek out from under the blindfold and shape her decisions accordingly … so that ‘language police’ mandarins could surf media posts, podcasts, religious beliefs and put a chill on how Canadians express themselves by treating freedom of expression as a danger to be constrained through regulations?”

Now, I am more than aware that my citizenship “is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). I know “... we are looking forward to a home yet to come” (Hebrews 13:14) and so I try to heed the admonition “don’t make yourself cozy in it” (1 Peter 2:11 MSG). Still, ‘salt’ and ‘light’ (Matthew 5:13-16) are meant for this world – not the next and I have never understood these two things as merely passive tools. Being a ‘preservative’ is a good thing. To use the idiomatic expression lightly, “I have some skin in the game” here. I am invested here. I have an active interest in success here – because there are eternal things at stake for later.

Recently a military directive was handed down by Chaplain General Brigadier-General Guy Belisle (October 11, 2023) that religious prayers by active-duty padres in official public functions, like Remembrance Day, were forbidden. So even though padres accompanied troops during D-Day landings on Juno Beach, under fire, now they cannot recite the Bible, or say “God or other references to a higher power” said Department of National Defense spokesperson Derek Abma. The Faith Tradition scarves chaplains wear, which identity their respective religions (Cross, Crescent, Star of David) are out the window too. After all, “these symbols may cause discomfort or traumatic feelings” says the directive. Perhaps something like, “Oh Great Cloud ...” or “Thank you for our Old Age Security” will give more meaningful comfort as we gather to reflect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month – and its cost to human life.

Just days ago, following increasing public pressure, the Feds have now backed down over the policy of banning prayer at a Remembrance Day service – even though the Defense Minister said they were not. Yes – my eyes are rolling! The bigger question for me remains “Why does sensitivity and inclusion only work one way? Under this current woke government - our veterans don’t have a prayer – literally! In the end, this fiasco is just another example of this government’s fixation and push to have everyone bow to their state cult – Progressivism. National Anthem changes will be next.


Government is not banning prayer, says our National Defense Minister. True! They simply redefine it as “reflection” (not a petition to God) ... so as to make it meaningless; insulting all faiths in the process.


The Second Battle of Ypres in Belgium (April-May, 1914), was Canada’s first major engagement and there the Canadians repelled the first mass poison gas attack of modern history. In the mud trenches of that second battle, surrounded by the dead and dying, was John McCrae from Guelph Ontario. The Major was not only a physician, but a devout Christian, a fact that seldom surfaces in the sanitized biographies that later came. I suspect we know him best though as a ‘trench poet” who famously challenged his readers through this nation’s best-know poem, to not betray those lying ‘In Flanders Fields’ ... those who no longer “felt dawn, saw sunset glow.”

“Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.”

I wonder if we have? I wonder if they do? “OnlySaying...”

1. The 11 are “race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or conviction for an offence…”

3. Peel District School Board, Equity Audit. Directive 18

5. See RJR-MacDonald Inc. v Canada (Attorney General), [1995] 3 SCR 199.

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